An election to change elections

This election is a huge opportunity – not just to change the leadership of our country, but to change its politics.

It’s our chance to get rid of the Tories. A tired and mean politics that doesn’t deserve to represent our brilliant country and people any longer. 

But Sunak has called the election now to give him and his party the best possible chance of winning as many seats as possible.

Like 1992, 2015 and other big change elections – things can swing wildly.  The polls show a big Labour lead now, but the mood is against the Tories – it’s not yet for a progressive change. The Tory campaign will be ferociously negative. And they are cynical and determined. 

For Compass this is the chance:

  • To get as many progressive candidates over the line that back proportional representation and build a new caucus for change in Parliament
  • To build our local groups and our campaigning ability 
  • To make the case for pluralism and collaboration in the pursuit of the Good Society

Now we have to move at speed and scale to: 

  • Galvanise our groups and activists and focus our energy on the seats and candidates that matter 
  • Build the biggest vote swap site in the history of British politics to ensure that every progressive vote is used to maximise effect and maximise fairness – backing not just Labour but the Lib Dems and the Greens 
  • Be everywhere we can in the media and on social media

We have got a lot in place – but this short election means we need to move fast and big. There has never been a more important moment to build a new politics.

To do all this, we need your urgent support to make the most of this historic opportunity.

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