Local Groups

Compass Local Groups take our ideas and campaigns into their communities, and in turn shape our national programme. 

They create a forum and a platform for progressives in your area to connect, talk, and organise and they’re one of the best ways to get more involved with Compass in a practical way.

Want to know more about Local Groups?

Here’s a short guide to what they do, how they’re run, and how you can get involved.

We’ve got active Local Groups in:

We have groups gaining momentum and seeking more volunteers in:

  • South London
  • Gloucestershire
  • Hertfordshire
  • Surrey Facebook / Email
  • The North East (County Durham, Tyne & Wear, Northumberland)

We also have party groups, for party specific conversation and campaigns. 

Can’t see a Local Group near you? Why not start one!

First, read our guide to Local Groups. Then, when you’re ready, get in touch to tell us a bit about you.

All Compass local group members come together to connect via CompassUK Slack – the online collaboration tool where we’re creating a supportive community across the country to share information, stories, experiences and capability. To join to the slack channel and your local group channel, become a member.

If you have any questions in the meantime, reach out to us at local@compassonline.org.uk.