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At the next election we either lose apart again or Win As One and can change politics and our country for good.

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We believe in cooperation among progressives, not just because it’s the way to win – but because it’s how we want to win. By working together we can deliver bigger answers, better government and a broader political reach than any one party alone can muster.

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The majority of  us already vote for progressive ideas, but our First Past the Post electoral system pits progressives against each other, and we lose…

The next election is our chance and opportunity to win. Our country cannot afford for us not to. But to win we have to work, campaign and fight together.  

Join the movement today and help organise and campaign to elect MPs who will back PR and work together to win and deliver the big, bold, change our country needs.

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This campaign will take all of us – and everything we’ve got. If we invest our time, energy and money now, we can turn the progressive majority in the country into a progressive majority of politicians in Parliament at the next election. Will you help us?

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