Progressive Alliance 2017

The idea of a progressive alliance (PA) is now entering the mainstream of politics.

No single progressive party or movement – on its own – is going to stop the lurch to the right.  We are going to need a powerful alliance to change the system so we can change society.

The role of Compass is to:

  1. Define the Progressive Alliance in terms of ideas, framing and policy
  2. Build support for it:
  • Within the political parties and across the political parties
  • Within civil society organisations and across them
  • At a local level where real alliances can be developed

This is a huge undertaking and we need your active support and help.

Please sign up here so we can talk about how we can help you, and you us.

Please donate here – we need money to build an interactive website, run events and campaigns in places like Richmond Park.

We have huge plans for 2017 and beyond – the ideas, policies, networks and toolkits to build a new politics. If we don’t build a winning Progressive Alliance – then it will be a Regressive Alliance that trumps us!


Compass started
for a better society
Join us today