Public event

Compass Cambridge? An open evening

Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge

Interested in a local Compass group in Cambridge?Here’s an invitation to join Compass supporter Stuart for an open meeting to chat about getting something off the ground. All welcome! 

Stuart’s message: 

I am a local member of Compass and I write to invite you as a fellow local member or supporter to take part in an open evening of a new network – the Cambridge Commons on Thursday, 28 May, 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane. I hope that this evening might lead to establishing a Compass group in Cambridge.

The aim of Cambridge Commons is to act as a hub for a non-party progressive constituency in the city, bringing together activists, local associations and pressure groups, social sector professionals, and local members of national organisations such as Compass, Unlock Democracy and the Fabian Society. We are already affiliated to the Equality Trust. We believe that we can create a powerful alliance which will be influential in local politics.

This is the deal. Local members and supporters of Compass and/or the national organisation can organise and publicise events in the city in the name of Compass and they will be supported across the network, thus widening their potential audience. Similarly, Unlock Democracy and the Equality Trust nationally or through local members, for example, will be able to do the same. Acting collectively, the network may sponsor meetings, events or demonstrations on behalf of any affiliated group. As a member of Compass, I will be very pleased to assist in creating a local Compass group affiliated to Cambridge Commons.  

Do please come along on 28 May. You can check Cambridge Commons out on the website,  At the open evening we will discuss building the network and ideas for future activities. If you cannot come, but would like to register for the conference, or to be kept in touch with future activities, please email me with your name, email address and telephone number on

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