Europe can be different – we need your input



With elections to the European Parliament in May this is a vital time for the future of the European Union and the U.K.’s relationship with it. A different Europe is vital to building a Good Society as many of today’s most important issues such as rising inequality and environmental degradation simply cannot be addressed on a national level.

Our Response

We’ve drafted a short document (click here to download) which we hope we can begin to add up to coherent alternative based on environmentalism and social justice. An alternative that can be pursued collaboratively by people in different left, green, and regionalist political parties, as well as activists, trade unionists and others outside of party politics.

How you can shape it

We’d really value your input before we publish the final document – what have we missed? Is there anything you disagree with? Deadline for comments is the 1st of April.

Please post any comments you have below or send to Joe Cox at We’d particularly like your input on whether this plan:

  • Offers a path for coming out of recession and austerity without going straight into unsustainable forms of economic growth?
  • Does enough to move on from the failure of market economics?
  • Offers a fundamental shift towards supporting the building of greater resilience for local, regional, and national economies?
  • Presents a view of the future of Europe which enables us to be pro-European whilst critical of many aspects of the current EU?
  • Offers greater sense of security and safety regarding the sustainability of the economy, the environment, the future of employment, pensions, social security benefits, and international relations?

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