Huggers and Crushers: The Compass Gathering

Thank you so much to everyone who came to the Gathering on Saturday – the feedback so far has included words like ‘invigorating’, fun’ and someone said it was ‘the most participatory political event I’ve been to’, which is fantastic! If you did not make it to the Gathering on Saturday we’ll ensure you’re plugged into the conversations.

We hope this was just the start of lots of great things to come, so, here are some next steps. What really came out of the day was that we need to find ways to truly unlock the energy of everyone in the Compass family to truly create a network of change. To help us create a flourishing grassroots community we’ve set up the ‘Friends of Compass’ scheme, if you can, please become a Friend of Compass – any regular donation is appreciated.

So here are some things to get you started and I look forward to seeing where they lead…

  • Get involved in the tactical voting online discussion next week
  • Send me your notes from the Open Space session and let’s carry on the conversations
  • Make sure you join in our online Community on Facebook and Twitter
  • Set up a direct debit for your membership to make sure we can keep doing events like Saturday – it takes 2 minutes

There were lots of amazing ideas that came from the day including regular regional socials, key policies to push for the next year, regular online conversations and how to encourage diversity in terms of the language we use.

Compass is only as good as the people that make it. So thank you for daring to do things differently and being the change.

One thought on “Huggers and Crushers: The Compass Gathering

  1. Friends of Compass? Does that include the person who sent a tape of Jon Cruddas’s talk to the Sunday Times which is now their main headline in the campaign to rubbish Ed. With friends like that who needs enemies.

    PS Much as I agree with many of Jon’s ideas I think he would benefit from a course in how to win friends and influence people.

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